Selling a property in Portugal

Selling a property in Portugal

1. The first step

If you wish to sell your property, we recommend that you use the services of a licensed estate agent such as Carvoeiro Clube Real Estate. Agency fees are normally 5 % + VAT.


2. Agency fees

In Portugal, these are normally paid by the seller. The standard commission is 5% + VAT of the sales price.


3. Why choose us?

• Highly experienced, knowledgeable, and multi-lingual staff

• Exposure on our websites and

• Big network and visibility due to the 11 Carvoeiro Clube resorts

• High visibility due to exposure of the properties in the receptions of our resorts

• Exposure on leading real estate portals

• We offer a professional photo shoot

• Exposure through our indirect company marketing in the local papers/ magazines

• Our regular newsletter


4. Required documents

All Government Licensed Estate Agents are required to obtain the documents listed below from the seller, thus enabling them to establish that the property has full legal status. No Agent can officially list a property without receiving the necessary documents. As all Licensed Estate Agents are liable to periodic inspection by their governing body IMPIC, they must ensure copies of these documents are in place.

The required documents are as follows: 

4.1. Deeds (Escritura Notarial de Compra e Venda)

This document indicates the title of acquisition of a property. The originals are held by the Notary Office where they were signed.

4.2. Tax Office Registration (Caderneta Predial)

This document shows the description of the property at the Tax Office and its fiscal value on which rates are charged.

4.3. Registration Certificate (Certidão de Registo Predial)

This document confirms as to whom the property is registered to and gives a description of the property with the size of the land and the house and will show any existing charges on the property. The description on this certificate must match the description on the Caderneta Predial, failing which one of the two is not correct and should be rectified.

4.4. Habitation License (Alvará de Licença de Utilização)

This document confirms that the property was built according to the Câmara (Local Council) plans and specifications, and that the property has been inspected for habitation upon completion.

4.5. Plans (Projectos de Arquitectura)

It is worthwhile obtaining a set of approved plans from the Câmara to check that what has been built is in accordance with the originally approved plans.

4.6. Borehole License (Registo de Captação de Água – Furos Aquíferos) - if applicable

This document confirms the borehole is registered with the relevant authority.

4.7. Septic Tank Registration (Registo de Descargas de Águas – Fossas Sépticas) - if applicable

This document confirms the septic tank is registered with the relevant authority.

4.8. Personal papers

We will require copies of the Portuguese Fiscal Card and Passport/ Cartão de Residência.

4.9. Ficha Técnica da Habitação

This document provides global information about the property, including materials which were used, names and contacts of suppliers, builder, etc.

This document is NOT required for:

a) Properties built before the 7th of August 1951;

b) Properties for which the Habitation License (Licença de Utilização) was applied or issued until the 31st of March 2004.

4.10. Energy Performance Certificate

Obligatory since the 1st of December 2013 for all properties which are up for sale.

4.11 The seller and, where applicable, the identification of the employer

This information can be provided by declaration (email). Required under the new money laundering rules - Law n. 25/2008 - June 5.

4.12 Proof of residence

A copy of an electricity bill or driving licence will be required. Required under the new money laundering rules - Law n. 25/2008 - 5 June.


5. Recommendations

5.1. Keys

If you do not live in the property all year round, it is advisable to provide us with a key so we can easily show your property to prospective buyers. Some sellers decide to handover the key to a third party (sometimes the maid or gardener), but this is not an ideal solution as we will have to liaise with the key holder whenever we want to show the property, and this may cause delays or even make it impossible to show the property to some clients.

5.2. Preparation of the property

If you live in the property, it is advisable to tidy everything up before we take photos or show the property to potential buyers. As smell plays an important role in the selection of a property (very often subconsciously), we recommend airing the property prior to viewings and avoiding the use of air fresheners or cleaning products with strong perfumes or odours.

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